Why learning a language alone doesn't make you a developer?

Mastering a language or a tech is not enough to be a good developer, here's why!

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I once heard from a senior developer that if you learn C#, you can do mobile app development, backend development, and game development. Is this true? 🤷🏻‍♂️

No, my friend, you can't do all of these just by learning C#. First of all, being a developer is a lot more than learning a particular language. 😶

You have to master the principles and designs of the particular platform to deliver the best product. 👀

Confusing right, let me explain 📝

Let's say you learn React (JS) to develop web apps, and you can also develop mobile apps using React Native with React as the base. But does that mean you're also a mobile app developer?🧐

Not exactly 😒. When it comes to mobile and web apps, there are certain principles and UX guidelines that you need to learn to be a mobile app developer.

For example, mobile app developers use a UX term called "SafeArea" - the area excluding the notch and the bottom navigation - which we need to use to develop apps that won't overlap with the notches 😯

But as a web developer, we don't have this UX over there.

Similarly, on the web, we can display more information on a single screen as the screen size is large.

But on mobile, we can't do that. We should be aware of how to break down the content into smaller parts so that the user doesn't get bored when using the app.😬

If we display all the contents on a single screen on mobile like we display it on the web, the user will eventually uninstall our application, giving it a one-star rating on the Play Store. 😂

So basically, CONCEPT IS THE KING 👑! Learning a language alone doesn't make you a developer. You need to focus on the concepts and principles of a particular platform to become a master at what you're doing.